
Iress: ‘We weren't really doing enough for our clients’

“What we want to do is ensure that our software promotes adviser efficiency,” he said.

“Do more, lower pace, less confusion quicker. We want to provide the compliance guardrails, keep our clients out of jail, we want to kind of help them remove operational costs and complexity, a great user experience, digital and everything kind of that underpins everything we want to do.” 

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Hore said the roadmap in place so far has been tested with clients and if Iress can't do something, it doesn’t plan to embellish. 

“We don't exaggerate. We [are] just like this is what we're going to do and we're starting to win lots of new clients as a result.”

The other important area Iress focused on was user experience. 

Hore said: “We know how competitive it is here. And it's a non-starter not to have invested in that space so we've got some great people looking at how we can make things more intuitive and easier to use.”

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