Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment  

Three financial planning firms achieve CISI accredited status

Three financial planning firms achieve CISI accredited status

Three UK financial planning businesses have joined the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment's list of Accredited Financial Planning Firms (AFPF).

Staffordshire-based Oakfour, Leicestershire-based Santorini Financial Planning and Empower Partners in London have all achieved AFPF status.

The CISI said this demonstrates professionalism by meeting the highest standards of excellence in financial planning.

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Kevin Wood, founder of Oak Four, said: “We are thrilled to have become an AFPF, a prestigious designation awarded by the CISI. 

“This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing our clients with the highest financial planning advice and service. We would like to thank our clients for their trust and confidence in our team.”

Meanwhile, Matthew Walne, managing director of Santorini Financial Planning, said achieving the Certified Financial Planner was the “pinnacle” of his personal career to date and that achieving AFPF status is now the “pinnacle for my firm”.

“To be considered amongst the very best financial planning firms in the UK is a real honour,” he said.

“It's great to be recognised for my firm’s commitment to providing a comprehensive financial planning proposition. Hopefully, as a result, our clients have increased confidence in my firm’s ability to help them achieve and maintain their lifestyle.” 

Paul Jardine, managing partner of Empower Partners, said he started the firm in 2021 as an innovative wealth management business with a mission to empower as many people as possible to make better financial decisions. 

“We’re all immensely proud to have achieved the milestone of being recognised as a CISI AFPF", he added. 

“Their recognition demonstrates our commitment to providing all our clients with a comprehensive financial planning service to help them achieve their financial goals.”

These three additions take the total number of CISI, UK-wide AFPF firms to 58.

Chris Morris, head of financial planning policy and engagement at the CISI, said: “It’s a huge pleasure to welcome these three firms to the CISI AFPF community. 

“Their clients can be reassured that these firms have reached the pinnacle of professionalism in achieving CISI AFPF accreditation. 

“They are leaders in their profession, and helping clients achieve their life goals is at the heart of the AFPF service.”

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