Consumer duty  

Consumer duty – are you ready for the July 31 deadline?

  • Identify key factors to consider under the consumer duty
  • Explain the benefits of using management information
  • Explain how to manage claims in the new duty era

The complaint-handling journey itself of a company may also therefore need to be changed, to ensure that teams approach complaints in line with the duty and understand the needs, characteristics and vulnerabilities of customers throughout the complaints process.

It is crucial that this information is documented, as the FOS may request to see records evidencing how a company has satisfied itself that a customer’s individual needs have been met and how quickly teams are taking to respond to complaints.

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MI will assist here, flagging where customers are not receiving good outcomes and where complaints have been and are mostly likely to be made.

An efficient and effective complaints-handling process could help to act as a deterrent to customers issuing claims, particularly for poor customer service. 

The FCA has confirmed that it will exercise its powers to require Section 166 reviews of companies, with a particular focus on serious harm and firms that are not operating in the spirit of the duty. 

In the final weeks running up to implementation, companies should not only make the required changes to comply with the duty as identified through MI, planning and testing, but continue to review and reflect on customer journeys to ensure compliance with the duty.

By doing this, gaps can be closed where possible before the July deadline, or be flagged to the FCA where companies do not consider it likely that gaps will be rectified in time.

This will assist in avoiding serious breaches of the duty, reduce the risk of harm to retail customers, and potential damage to a company’s reputation if there is non-compliance.

Claire Carroll is a partner in the litigation and dispute management team and Sian Jones is an associate in the financial services, disputes and investigations team at Eversheds Sutherland


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why is it important for companies to identify who their customers and target market are for a particular product or service?

  2. What can testing and the use of management information result in?

  3. Why is it crucial that all information during the complaints process is documented?

  4. Which of the following is NOT one of the three cost-cutting rules?

  5. Where a company has found that a good outcome has not been achieved for a customer and that harm has been caused as a result, what assistance should be provided to the customer?

  6. What are the sorts of complaints advisers should be mindful of that claimants may issue relating to the duty?

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You should now know…

  • Identify key factors to consider under the consumer duty
  • Explain the benefits of using management information
  • Explain how to manage claims in the new duty era

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