
HMRC targets PAYE data to spot tax avoidance

This will advise people on how to spot avoidance schemes and give information to help people make better choices.

This comes after in the Budget last week the government announced a package of measures to tighten the rules that apply to promoters of such schemes.

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In the papers accompanying the Budget the chancellor renewed his threat that penalties for advisers found to have enabled tax avoidance would be "felt without delay" and equal to 100 per cent of fees earned.

He also clarified the government's position on the taxman's controversial loan charge, announcing it would provide HMRC with additional funding to tackle disguised remuneration schemes. 

But due to the tax avoidance market continuing to evolve the government has said it will continue to monitor the market and will further strengthen any legislation where promoters seek to “build in delay or obscure transactions to avoid complying with the rules”.


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