
Handling vulnerable clients who want equity release

  • Describe some of the challenges over recognising vulnerability
  • Identify the importance of the client's family
  • Explain the FCA's stance on the issue

Support from lenders will be crucial here and ensuring vulnerability literature is clearer and easier to understand will go a long way towards closing the knowledge gap among advisers. Doing the same with consumer-facing material will also help the industry in the long-run. 

A beacon of hope

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Although the equity release market’s approach to vulnerability is improving, there is more to be done.

Advisers need to learn to spot the less obvious signs of vulnerability, adapt how they gather information, and share knowledge with other professionals and colleagues. Lenders, meanwhile, need to improve the provision of education, resources and clear literature.

Spotting and caring for vulnerable customers is a challenge, but with the pandemic creating widespread hardship, it is paramount that the industry hones its ability to care for them. 

For anyone facing difficult personal and financial circumstances, a caring, patient and supportive adviser could be a real beacon of hope.

Stuart Wilson is corporate marketing director at more2life


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a driver of vulnerability?

  2. Three quarters of people aged 65 and over would be eligible for enhanced terms if they suited equity release, true or false?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a step to take with a vulnerable client looking at equity release?

  4. Why is it good to have a family member present?

  5. What has the FCA said it wants firms to do re vulnerable clients?

  6. Advisers need to learn to spot the less obvious signs of vulnerability, true or false?

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  • Describe some of the challenges over recognising vulnerability
  • Identify the importance of the client's family
  • Explain the FCA's stance on the issue

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