
Landlords need to be aware of property market rule changes

  • To come up to speed with the changes to licensing rules relating to houses in multiple occupation
  • To understand which properties now fall under this category
  • To appreciate what landlords need to do in the next few months

The new legislation is not to be feared, but all advisers should engage sooner rather than later with their clients to see whether or not a licence application needs to be made.

As for the HMO space and wider buy-to-let sector, we have every confidence that as long as the supply-demand gap remains as wide as it is today, for which there is no evidence to the contrary, it will remain a profitable and important product.

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Harry Landy is managing director of Enterprise Finance


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Harry Landy, why have houses in multiple occupation (HMO) become more popular in recent years?

  2. According to Harry Landy how many people need to be tenants in a property for it to need a licence?

  3. According to Harry Landy, how many storeys must the property have to be licensed?

  4. What will happen if local authorities delay in awarding certificates?

  5. Tenant churn is much higher with HMOs. True or false?

  6. When is the deadline for submitting all applications for a licence?

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You should now know…

  • To come up to speed with the changes to licensing rules relating to houses in multiple occupation
  • To understand which properties now fall under this category
  • To appreciate what landlords need to do in the next few months

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