
How to offset the annual pension allowance with carry-forward

  • Describe the challenges of calculating allowance using carry-forward
  • Explain how to calculate the use of one's previous annual allowances
  • identify when the annual allowance is restricted

If the annual allowance is exceeded within a particular pension scheme, the scheme's administrator will provide a pension savings statement detailing the usage of the annual allowance for the current tax year as well as the three preceding tax years.

This information will allow the member to verify whether they have made use of the carry-forward option when filling out a self-assessment return.   

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However, if contributions are paid to more than one scheme in the tax year, or if the individual’s allowance is tapered, then it is possible to exceed the annual allowance without receiving notices. 

Joshua Croft is senior technical consultant at AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. To make use of carry-forward, the individual must have fully used up their current year's annual allowance or will have by the end of the tax year, true or false?

  2. Which of the following is NOT included as a 'member'?

  3. When determining previous unused tax allowance, which year should a client look at first?

  4. Up to £40,000 can still potentially be carried forward from the previous three tax years for those on tapered annual allowance, true or false?

  5. Why can Vincent not use the remaining unused annual allowance on 2019-20 for his pension input of 2023-24?

  6. What limit does the MPAA restrict one's personal allowance to?

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  • Describe the challenges of calculating allowance using carry-forward
  • Explain how to calculate the use of one's previous annual allowances
  • identify when the annual allowance is restricted

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