
How to hedge against the potential ravages of high inflation

  • Describe some alternative assets in which to invest one's pension
  • Explain 'linkers'
  • Identify the characteristics of commodities and special metals and minerals

It is never wise to do a big bang diversification away from existing holdings, but it may be worth exploring some exposure to some of the above investments to hedge against the potential ravages of inflation, particularly as it looks like we will be in this high-inflationary cycle for at least one more year before it starts to move down towards the lower rates we all got used to for many years pre-pandemic.

As always, the role of investment adviser is important before moving forward. One thing is certain, demand for investment advice was never higher than it is in these volatile, high-inflationary times. 

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Adrian Boulding is director of retirement strategy at Dunstan Thomas


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is a linker?

  2. Why is infrastructure debt attractive?

  3. A form of currency hedging would be to consider selecting overseas stocks which are not listed on UK-based exchanges, true or false?

  4. How much did residential property prices increase by in 2022?

  5. Silver's price is underpinned by industrial and medical uses, true or false?

  6. Which of the following is NOT a rare earth?

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  • Describe some alternative assets in which to invest one's pension
  • Explain 'linkers'
  • Identify the characteristics of commodities and special metals and minerals

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