
Powers of attorney: watch out for the traps

  • Describe the pitfalls of setting up a lasting power of attorney
  • Explain mental capacity
  • Identify the role of a discretionary fund manager

In terms of uses, it can be a general power, meaning it applies to all of a client’s affairs, or it can be a specific power, meaning it can be used for a specific account or transaction. It can also be set to expire on a particular date, so if a client is out of the country for an extended period of time, an OPA might be more appropriate than a LPA.

In terms of drawbacks, an OPA automatically ceases if the client loses capacity. Therefore, for long-term use an LPA may work better as this would remain in force.

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A key point is that neither of these POAs can be used in respect of decisions made as a trustee. Trustee decisions can only be delegated to a third party via a specific trustee power of attorney (TPA) drawn up under section 25 of the Trustee Act 1925. 

It is not uncommon with self-invested personal pensions at the bespoke end of the market for the client to be a co-trustee of their own Sipp. If they have a small self-administered pension scheme, again they will be a trustee.

For clients with these types of pension schemes, they would need to execute a TPA to cover ‘trustee’ decisions alongside another type of POA to cover ‘member’ decisions.

Helpfully the act provides standard wording, and there is no reason both powers cannot be included in the same document.

A TPA, however, is not a long-term solution given it expires automatically after 12 months. Clients who are concerned about losing mental capacity over the long-term might be advised to consider moving to pension arrangements where they are not a trustee.

Include specific instructions about discretionary management

In 2015, the OPG amended its guidance to say that if an individual wanted to allow an attorney to engage the services of a discretionary fund manager, they would need to include specific wording in the POA to that effect.

This is the standard wording it provided: "My attorneys may transfer my investments into a discretionary management scheme. Or, if I already had investments in a discretionary management scheme before I lost capacity to make financial decisions, I want the scheme to continue.

"I understand in both cases that managers of the scheme will make investment decisions and my investments will be held in their names or the names of their nominees."

However, its guidance then went on to say there was no guarantee the investment provider would accept this wording, and an individual might want to seek legal advice.