In Focus: Tax Year End  

Managing clients’ pension investment anxiety

  • To consider the implications of a high-risk retirement investment strategy for affluent investors.
  • To understand savers' concerns around retirement investing.
  • To understand how to help pension savers navigate the current economic uncertainty.

Accordingly, it is vital that advisers do what they can to calm the nerves of clients and work with them to adapt their retirement strategy accordingly. In doing so, they will ensure that clients remain on track to a financially secure retirement.

Andrew Megson is executive chairman of  My Pension Expert

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, what do half of wealthy savers consider to be a major threat to their retirement strategy?

  2. According to the author, what must savers ensure they understand before dramatically changing their retirement strategy?

  3. According to My Pension Expert, what percentage of affluent Britons claim to be in a weaker financial position than they were at the beginning of the pandemic?

  4. According to My Pension Expert, a mere 32 per cent of savers have consulted an adviser on their retirement strategy, and 25 per cent consulted a wealth manager. True or false?

  5. According to the author, setting annual client reviews will encourage clients to...

  6. According to the author, financial advice has an impact on clients' risk appetite. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • To consider the implications of a high-risk retirement investment strategy for affluent investors.
  • To understand savers' concerns around retirement investing.
  • To understand how to help pension savers navigate the current economic uncertainty.

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