Specialist Lending - May 2017  

Getting commercial mortgages for your clients

  • Grasp what a commercial mortgage is and how it differs from a residential mortgage.
  • Understand the information required to apply for a commercial mortgage.
  • Learn how to match your client with the right commercial mortgage product.

This emphasises the need to understand the requirements of the lender and to ensure whether it is the adviser approaching the lender on a client’s behalf, or the customer going directly to the lender, that they have the correct and up-to-date information at their disposal.


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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. How does the loan to value for a commercial mortgage differ from the loan to value of a residential mortgage, according to Mr Tillcock?

  2. Mr Tillcock lists a number of business scenarios commercial mortgages can be used to raise funds for. Which of these is not in the list?

  3. Mr Gerstler believes the commercial mortgage market is what?

  4. According to the NACFB, what type of product do you need if you already own a commercial property for investment purposes and are looking to refinance it?

  5. Which of these is not one of the questions Mr Tillcock suggests an applicant should ask a potential lender?

  6. Why does Mr Gerstler like to go direct to lenders when possible?

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You should now know…

  • Grasp what a commercial mortgage is and how it differs from a residential mortgage.
  • Understand the information required to apply for a commercial mortgage.
  • Learn how to match your client with the right commercial mortgage product.

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