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Cash vs risk assets: Is there a case for taking more risk in 2024?

We think the conditions we face lay the foundations for a more dynamic absolute return approach that can capture diverse opportunities across asset classes while protecting against downside risk.

We want more alpha not beta

An absolute return multi-asset approach can benefit from a significant exposure to cash, cash-like instruments and bonds alongside capturing upside opportunities using derivatives, as well as carefully deploying cash into attractively valued assets.

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This can provide superior upside and downside protection in comparison to holding cash through its diversified nature. A dynamic portfolio can provide a combination of direct and indirect hedges, offsetting some of the risk created by market volatility. 

While there are fewer market participants offering absolute return multi-asset strategies today, given the headwinds over the past decade, we believe this skill-set is more relevant now than ever before.

Mitesh Sheth is chief investment officer for multi-asset at Newton Investment Management