
Which alternative investments can work as inflation rises?

  • Describe the different types of alternative investments
  • Identify how alternatives behave in a higher interest rate environment
  • Explain how monetary policy has affected markets in recent decades

The energy transition adds fuel to this inflationary fire. Understanding a portfolio’s exposure to the range of scenarios from here is crucial. Alternatives should be a key tenet within portfolios, helping to get investors on the right side of global mega-trends, reduce equity beta and economic sensitivity, and offer some inflation protection. This repositioning is a difficult exercise that requires careful portfolio construction and manager selection, but one that is likely to be well rewarded in the years to come. 

David Merton is a director at Fulcrum Asset Management

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What sort of fee does the author say is now "typical" for hedge funds?

  2. Which of the below are three of the six areas the author regards as alternatives?

  3. Why could alternative investments be useful for ESG investing?

  4. What does the author believe has added "fuel to the inflationary fire"?

  5. What is the defining characteristic of shorter duration bonds?

  6. How does the author believe "helicopter money" was deployed in the US?

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You should now know…

  • Describe the different types of alternative investments
  • Identify how alternatives behave in a higher interest rate environment
  • Explain how monetary policy has affected markets in recent decades

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