
Guide to Multi-Asset Investing

  • Identify how multi-asset funds have performed in times of stress
  • Describe how assessing risk appetite has changed
  • Identify ways in which savings can be made with multi-asset funds
Guide to Multi-Asset Investing


Multi-asset fund managers are allocating to defensive stocks in anticipation of more volatility in investments, but bond yields are very low.

At the same time, with people living longer, it is adding another dimension to the whole process of stock allocation.

The challenges facing advisers have evolved in recent years as clients are living longer than before, while definitions of risk have also evolved as monetary policy changes have redefined the traditional notions of risk.

Additionally, one ever-present topic that never goes away is justifying the fees that are charged.

In this guide, we will look at how advisers can select the right type of fund for their client based on risk appetite and risk rating tools, how multi-asset funds have performed in times of stress, and the pressure multi-asset fund managers have come under over fees.

This guide is worth an indicative 60 minutes of CPD.

Contributors: Wayne Berry, investment manager at Brewin Dolphin; Sunil Krishnan, head of multi asset funds at Aviva Investors; Andrew Cole, head of multi-asset investing in London for Pictet; Keith Balmer, a product specialist on the multi-asset team at BMO; Steven Hay, co-manager of the Baillie Gifford Multi-Asset Income fund; Meike Bliebenicht, senior product specialist in the multi-asset team at HSBC Global Asset Management; Patrick Connolly, head of communications at advice firm Chase de Vere; David Scott, an adviser at Andrews Gwynne; Laura Suter, personal finance analyst at AJ Bell; Ben Yearsley, investment consultant at Fairview Investing; Chris Salih, research analyst at FundCalibre; Mike Deverell, investment manager at Cheshire-based Equilibrium Asset Management.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Laura Suter investors in spreading their assets between different markets, assets classes and size of companies, should also diversifiers such as:

  2. True or false, there are very small differences between the performance of different multi-asset funds?

  3. According to Chris Salih fees:

  4. What are the different ways savings can be made with multi-asset funds? Pick the odd one out.

  5. True or false, in the past decade many typically defensive stocks have performed well, even as economic growth was strong and investors sent markets to new highs, as a result of the policy of quantitative easing.

  6. How has the market responded to the move by central banks to cut interest rates and restart quantitative easing?

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You should now know…

  • Identify how multi-asset funds have performed in times of stress
  • Describe how assessing risk appetite has changed
  • Identify ways in which savings can be made with multi-asset funds

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