
How to invest with an impact

  • Identify the difference between impact and ESG investing
  • Describe some of the main points of impact investing
  • Identify the consequences of impact investing

Measurement is key. With no standardised reporting, it is critical the investment managers provide (and asset owners request) clear measurement of each investment made, however imperfect the data may be – the commitment must be there in order for the disclosure to improve.

If impact investing is to truly be considered successful, it must address the big question that came out of the financial crisis – does finance work for society or against it?

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To give a positive answer, impact investment must serve the broader public.

It must be accessible, transparent and relevant in order to engage the investing public.

Hope for our planet and the people on it comes from unleashing the power of ordinary investors, giving them the tools to allocate their investments in a way which matches their ethics – only then will we truly be able to call impact investing a success.

Victoria Leggett is head of impact investing & portfolio manager at Union Bancaire Privée


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is NOT considered to be essential to impact investing:

  2. Impact investing takes up the major part of sustainable investing, true or false?

  3. What is the role of impact investing?

  4. The UN Sustainable development goals are for companies only, true or false?

  5. What is the difference between ESG and impact investing?

  6. What do impact investment managers have to do?

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You should now know…

  • Identify the difference between impact and ESG investing
  • Describe some of the main points of impact investing
  • Identify the consequences of impact investing

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