
DFMs still grappling with regulatory overhauls

  • Learn about how DFMs are faring
  • Grasp the impact of new rules on the sector
  • Gain an understanding of what DFMs are focusing on

With the effects of Mifid II unlikely to abate and other factors continuing to disrupt the DFM space, more winners and losers are likely to emerge, particularly if a handful of giant DFMs end up dominating the sector. For intermediaries, this could spell advantages such as lower fees. But consolidation brings with it a greater chance of homogenisation. 

Add to that the increase in innovation being sought by other players, and it all means a greater onus on due diligence for advisers who opt to outsource their investments in the years ahead.

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  1. What is Walker Crips MPS charge?

  2. Which of theese statements is true with regards toi firms' assets?

  3. The effect of what is described as "unlikely to abate"?

  4. Several firms are said to have complained about An inability to straightforwardly compare what?

  5. Some firms described the "agent as client" portfolio as what?

  6. Of those surveyed, how many firms expected their buylists to get larger?

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  • Learn about how DFMs are faring
  • Grasp the impact of new rules on the sector
  • Gain an understanding of what DFMs are focusing on

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