
Advising clients in bereavement

  • List why there is a wellbeing gap among those aged above 60.
  • Describe the grant of probate process.
  • Identify how much a funeral costs and what you can do to help bereaved clients.

Families will want to provide for a dignified ceremony that will celebrate the life of the family member and to ensure their wishes are carried out – another reason to ensure an up-to-date will is in place.

Then there are the costs of the headstone or memorial plaque for a cremation, which can begin to get extremely expensive. The average cost of these is £821.

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In terms of paying the costs, difficulties can arise where the deceased retained all control of the cash and investments.

It is very unlikely that probate will be granted before the cremation or burial takes place.

Fortunately, the banks offer a bereavement service which will allow relatives to lodge the death certificate with the bank and allow them to pay for the funeral directly from the deceased’s accounts.

The kindness of people

It is always worth remembering that, although 95 per cent of estates are very straightforward and, as an outside observer, these seem to be easily dealt with following a simple process, most people will find this extremely unsettling, especially if the death was unexpected.

People handle these things in very different ways.

However, it is usually a very sad time and the thing that strikes you during a period of need is how kind people can be.

An adviser who handles a bereaved client who is grieving with sympathy, kindness, knowledge and skill will be a valued professional to them and their family in years to come.

John Somerville is a relationship director at The London Institute of Banking & Finance


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to research, what percentage of adults have not set up a lasting power of attorney?

  2. The author says: "There is a high likelihood that the first person to die in a relationship is the husband." True or false?

  3. One of the support services that kicks in when a bereavment occurs is called what?

  4. According to the author, what is the first question a client will need to ask as part of the probate process, in the event of a death?

  5. How much is the average cost of a cremation?

  6. What can cost £821 on average?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • List why there is a wellbeing gap among those aged above 60.
  • Describe the grant of probate process.
  • Identify how much a funeral costs and what you can do to help bereaved clients.

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