
Building a decumulation investment strategy for clients

  • Be able to describe a “liability relative” approach to investing.
  • Identify the different implementation approaches to liability-relative investing.
  • List the “hybrid strategies” which incorporate annuities and/or insurance into a portfolio.

Different profiles of portfolio insurance can be delivered in different ways - for example, by combining an asset-based strategy with a basket of autocalls, capital protected funds, or an alternative risk-based strategy, such as risk parity.

The specificities of these different combinations will vary widely - and each will have product specific advantages and disadvantages - but this is an example of the range of protection-style strategies for advisers to choose from to incorporate into a decumulation portfolio.

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As advisers map out their centralised retirement propositions, it’s necessary to consider:

  • How to assess suitability in retirement.
  • The expected withdrawal profile (pot size, withdrawal rate, and time horizon) for a single or multiple range of retirement goals.
  • The most appropriate liability-relative strategy.

When considering which liability-relative strategy is appropriate, advisers should determine whether or not there is a need or preference for hybrid solutions, and what solution will be most appropriate for a client based on life expectancy, capacity for loss, wealth level, service level and a trade-off between customisation and cost (value for money).

Henry Cobbe is head of Copia Capital Management


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What are the two names for considering a negative mismatch?

  2. Which one of these is not one of the approaches to liability-relative and retirement investing as listed by the author?

  3. Model portfolios are described as what when it comes to creating and managing a consistent asset allocation for a given risk profile?

  4. Is the following statement true or false? "The disadvantage of a target date fund is that it is a “one size fits all” approach for a given investment strategy for a shared objective."

  5. The author lists three advantages of a multi-asset income fund. Which is not of the three?

  6. Annuities and protection are called what?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Be able to describe a “liability relative” approach to investing.
  • Identify the different implementation approaches to liability-relative investing.
  • List the “hybrid strategies” which incorporate annuities and/or insurance into a portfolio.

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