
Understanding CSR, impact investing and social enterprises

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How to benefit from CSR

While there are clear differences between companies and social enterprises, Mr David is adamant that "neither can be objectively said to be better than the other for investors; they serve different purposes".

Lisa Beauvilain, head of sustainability and ESG at Impax Asset Management, comments: "The choice between these depends on investors’ values, preferences and their risk and return expectations."

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Rose Beale, a thematic analyst in the responsible investment team at Columbia Threadneedle Investments, says: "Ultimately, what is best for investors depends on their broader investment goals.

"For some investors, integrating ESG in the investment process, as a risk management and potentially return enhancing strategy, is a priority.

"Others, though, now require not only financial return, but also social and sustainable benefits from their investment, so are increasingly looking for opportunities to invest in businesses that evidence social and sustainability-driven missions, products and services."