Inheritance Tax  

ADVERTORIAL: The residence nil rate band and estate planning

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Let me count the ways to mitigate your IHT


In summary, the introduction of the RNRB will provide a welcome boost to IHT free thresholds for some, but not all. The need for advice in this area has never been greater and estate planners will play a pivotal role in helping clients navigate through the complexity of the rules. This article has considered how the introduction of the RNRB impacts on and interacts with BPR based IHT planning.

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The key benefits of BPR include simplicity, accessibility and speed. These features can help planners develop flexible IHT planning strategies that can cope well with changes in legislation and reliefs. It is likely that we will start to see more diversified planning strategies being adopted, with, for example, BPR investment being used more in conjunction with gift and trust based planning. 

Further education and case study-based training for the RNRB

After hearing positive feedback from advisers on their appetite to receive further education on the RNRB, our business development team are available to deliver case study based training to both individuals and teams to help them fully understand this topic.

We have developed a suite of case studies reflecting various client scenarios and planning with the RNRB. Every client will be unique however and the BDM team are available to speak to you about client specific situations, run workshops with your teams and work with you to develop your professional connections.

If you would like to find out more about TIME or book a training session with a member of our team please contact us on 020 7391 4747 or

Sam Jermy is senior business development manager of Time Investments