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How to spot a good VCT manager

  • To understand why VCTs can help investors.
  • To grasp how to spot a good VCT manager for clients.
  • To learn about various tax reliefs and investment structures.

Meeting investor needs

Without doubt there have been a number of significant changes to VCT legislation in the last two years, putting additional pressures on managers and their deal flow, while at the same time the demand for VCTs continues to grow and shows no signs of slowing.

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Advisers do need to carefully consider the merits of a VCT and its manager, to ensure both match investor needs – so knowing how to spot a good VCT manager is a definite benefit.   

Jack Rose is business development director for tax products at LGBR Capital


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. How many years ago was the VCT market established?

  2. What is the level of income tax relief on initial investments?

  3. Under current rules, how much of a manager's VCT portfolio must be invested in qualifying investments within three years?

  4. How many main types of VCT are there, according to Mr Rose?

  5. Why, according to Mr Rose, might VCTs not be suitable for every client?

  6. A new VCT offer will be for a new share class of an existing VCT, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • To understand why VCTs can help investors.
  • To grasp how to spot a good VCT manager for clients.
  • To learn about various tax reliefs and investment structures.

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