Equity Income  

Searching for income

  • The current situation with income
  • How to diversify your client's income stream
  • Where are the best yields currently?

These actively managed funds invest in small companies requiring money to develop their businesses. As part of their financing often comes from loans, VCTs can also generate impressive tax-free dividends on the side.

Alternatively, Mr Hollands suggests that investing in renewable energy infrastructure might be worth a punt. These vehicles mainly specialise in wind or solar power and, encouragingly, generate a portion of their returns from government subsidies.

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“Infrastructure can also be appealing for income seekers, especially as underlying contracts on projects are very long-term in nature and often include annual inflation adjustments,” he says.

“However, core investment companies which own operational infrastructure projects are across the board standing on very high premiums to net asset value (NAV). There are, however, some opportunities in the renewable energy infrastructure space. For example, Bluefield Solar Income is trading just above NAV and is yielding 7 per cent.”

Don't put all your eggs into one basket

If placing all your hard-earned money into the fate of one or two asset classes makes your stomach churn, a multi-asset income fund may represent your best option.

That’s certainly the view of Patrick Connolly, certified financial planner at Chase de Vere, who adds that today’s “volatile and uncertain world” has made it “really difficult” for investors to keep faith with any particular asset class.

“Stock markets have performed very strongly, with many stock valuations now being difficult to justify without increased company earnings,” he says.

“Many fixed interest assets look expensive and could be susceptible to significant falls in the future. And the issues with property investments have been well documented following the EU referendum vote.

“The best approach is to invest in a range of different income-producing asset classes, such as equities, fixed interest and property, to spread risks.”


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. How many savings accounts saw their returns slashed?

  2. According to Mr Khalaf, some funds are offering a mouthwatering what?

  3. What do many of the UK's biggest names spend more on than they make in profits?

  4. What is the combined deficit of the UK's 6,000 defined benefit private sector schemes?

  5. How much of the S&P 500's constituents yield more than 2 per cent?

  6. What does Tilney Bestinvest's Mr Hollands suggest might be "worth a punt" ?

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You should now know…

  • The current situation with income
  • How to diversify your client's income stream
  • Where are the best yields currently?

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