In Focus: Advising on mortgages  

Speeding up a house purchase in turbulent times

  • Describe the role of the broker in the sales process
  • Communicate how brokers, agents and lawyers can work together to speed up sales
  • Describe what to look for in a sales agent

Choosing the right estate agent is essential to a quick and efficient sale. Unfortunately, there will be agents out there who will mis-price a property just to gain business, which is not helpful for anyone involved and can be disheartening for the seller when realising they need to be open to heavy negotiation.  

To stop this from happening and ensure your client's affordability is correct, you can recommend that your clients use a reputable and regulated agent.

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By looking for someone local who has had experience selling properties like theirs, and by using one that is regulated, they are guaranteed to be consulting with a professional agent who will give you up-to-date advice and guidance along the way. 

By recommending and informing your clients of the current market conditions, communicating more effectively, and using property information to our advantage to enhance the customer experience, we can all look to improve our client's journeys. 

Nathan Emerson is chief executive of Propertymark


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why is it imperative that agents, brokers and legal advisers have a close working relationship?

  2. Data shows only the more serious homebuyers and sellers remain proactive in the current market. True or false?

  3. Why do an average of 25-30% of transactions fall through, according to the author?

  4. Why should brokers get to know the property their client is buying?

  5. A property information questionnaire is unnecessary in achieving a seamless sales process, according to the author. True or false?

  6. What should brokers look for in an agent they recommend to clients?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Describe the role of the broker in the sales process
  • Communicate how brokers, agents and lawyers can work together to speed up sales
  • Describe what to look for in a sales agent

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