In Focus: Modern financial planner  

How to build a good adviser website

  • Explain why a good website is necessary for an advice firm
  • Understand what a good adviser website looks like
  • Discuss how to build a website that’s right for your firm

A website is an adviser’s digital shop front, it is the first thing a potential client will see when they look for an adviser online. As such, it is a vital ingredient of a modern financial planning firm.

And yet it seems many advisers do not make their website a priority. Some even warn that most adviser websites look the same.

This is a mistake according to the experts in this CPD video, which will look at what makes a good adviser website and how you can go about building one.

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What makes a good adviser website?

  2. How do advisers benefit from having a good website, according to Andrew Neligan?

  3. What should you do when it comes to using 'social proof', according to Phil Bray?

  4. A target audience is not overly relevant when building a website, according to Phil Bray. True or false?

  5. Which three pages of an adviser website does Phil Bray list as key?

  6. What role does an adviser website play, according to Brian Hill?

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You should now know…

  • Explain why a good website is necessary for an advice firm
  • Understand what a good adviser website looks like
  • Discuss how to build a website that’s right for your firm

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