
Europe finally acquires the US’s appetite for ETPs

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Exchange traded funds - November 2014

This year and beyond will see the European ETP market continue to grow rapidly, structurally change and increase innovation. It’s safe to say the US is still leading the way, but Europe is learning and catching up fast.

Hector McNeil is co-chief executive at Wisdom Tree Europe

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ETF industry: in numbers

The ETF industry is challenging the supremacy of the mutual fund market and is now growing at a considerably faster pace.

By any standards the ETP industry has become a meaningful asset management segment and arguably the most dynamic. The wider mutual fund management industry still dwarfs ETFs with tens of thousands of products available. ETPs, in comparison, account for less than 10 per cent of global assets under management.

The global ETP market has grown to $2.64 trillion at the end of June 2014. This breaks down as follows:

US – $1.86trn

Europe – $470bn

Rest – $250bn

There are currently 5,359 ETFs and ETPs, with 10,401 listings, from 219 providers listed on 59 exchanges.

(Source: ETFGI)