
The hidden gems for your clients’ portfolios

This article is part of
Investment Boutiques - April 2013

Her CF Ruffer Pacific fund can invest in both emerging Asia and Japan, which enables her to dampen the volatility associated with emerging markets. Ms McBain currently has 10 per cent invested in Japan and a further 15 per cent in cash. The rest is in emerging Asia.

The £186m portfolio, which has five FE Crowns, sits in the IMA Specialist sector, which makes Ms McBain even more elusive as it is difficult to compare her fund to a peer group. However, a closer look at the fund’s performance reveals Ms McBain more than holds her own. It has outperformed its MSCI Asia Pacific benchmark, as well as the average fund in IMA Asia Pacific including Japan, in one, three and five years, by a significant margin with far less volatility.

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CF Ruffer Pacific requires a minimum investment of £1,000 and has a TER of 1.59 per cent. It is included in the FE Select 100 list of the best 100 funds, selected using a combination of FE’s ratings.

Rob Gleeson is head of research at FE